Diagnostic testing is valuable in assessing the Dr. Vander Wielen Biopatient’s health. I use it in conjunction with a detailed health history, and physical examination. Treatments are so much more effective when a therapeutic target is clearly identified through objective testing.
-Scott Vander Wielen, DC
Patient Testimony
Re: Quality Health Care
Dr. Scott is kind & compassionate. He listens to my concerns & helps me to understand my medical conditions. At each appointment, I am allowed enough time to address all my concerns. I appreciate his confidence & positive attitude as we work together to improve my health. He has a strong commitment to both the study of medicine & to me as a patient. Dr. Scott and his staff are respectful & an encouragement to me as I work toward my goal of living a healthy lifestyle.
Re: Update
Wow, what a change in me since Monday – Praise God! I am so happy with the results from this last gall bladder flush & sticking with good food choices! I keep looking down & wondering were all that fat went to? My clothes are too big! I knew it would happen, just not when & so soon, after years of struggling along trying on my own to figure out how to do it.
Thank you, Dr. Scott, for your knowledge & insight! And to you & Christine for your support! I appreciate each of you; and thank the Lord that he guided me to you.
– Shirley M.
Greenville, WI
In-office Diagnostic tests
BIA is our most frequently done test. A detailed explanation is provided here.
EKG is historic in identifying any damage the heart may have sustained.
Cardiovascular Profilor measures the elasticity of small and large arteries.
The Lipoprotein Particle Profile can be used to take an in-depth look at a person’s cholesterol levels. This can be used to identify a person’s cardiovascular risk factors for people with heart related symptoms and people who are asymptomatic.
Spirometry is a useful tool in verifying environmental, occupational and drug exposure, as well as monitoring lung function.
In-office Urine Analysis
Urine Multi-stick analysis tests for 10 different things in urine, and is an excellent screening tool for detecting more serious health concerns. It is simple, cost effective, and can point to where we should look more deeply.
Urine heavy metal toxicity test is a simple test we perform to test for free heavy metal ions in urine. While the test is not as specific as a 24 hour urine collection test, it is cost effective, and still gives us an excellent window into any heavy metal toxicity that may exist. Toxic metals can cause Alzheimer’s Disease (aluminum), kidney failure (cadmium), reproductive disorders (lead), mental symptoms such as memory loss, tremors, autism, and insomnia (mercury), skin lesions, asthma (nickel).
Urine Oxidative stress test is another simple test for us to assess how well the cells are functioning within the body. Since all physiology occurs at the cell membrane, oxidative stress is an important consideration.
Urinary Indican is another simple, cost effective way of measuring bowel toxicity, and bacteria overgrowth in the colon. Putrification occurs and becomes toxic and is reabsorbed in the colon back into the blood stream and is eliminated through the kidneys in the urine as indican.
Microalbumin in urine is the earliest sign of kidney failure. Microalbumin can identify diabetic nephropathy 5 years before routine proteinuria tests.
In-office blood work
Hemoglobin A1c is non-fasting blood test which tests for the amount of sugar-coating on red blood cells. We consider Hgb A1c results over 6.0% to be diabetic. It is an excellent test which can quickly resolve the question in just 6 minutes of whether or not a patient may have a blood sugar dysregulation concern.
Liver enzymes are important in the recovery process. This fingerstick test allows us to quickly assess liver enzymes (AST, ALT) in just 5 minutes to determine how stressed the liver may be during the recovery.
H. Pylori, (Helibactor Pylori), is a bacterium that causes peptic ulcer disease and has been associated with gastric cancer risk, autoimmune diseases, and Parkinson’s Disease. H. Pylori is a Type 1 carcinogen.
Lab Testing
Blood tests are done routinely through nationally recognized labs. We test for over 250 different indicies depending on the patient’s health picture.
Food Sensitivity Testing – IgA, IgG food sensitivity panels up to 325 different foods including gluten are run off blood spot or blood serum. Food sensitivities can contribute to dysfunction involving the immune system and digestion.
Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis tests check for parasites, gut flora, pathogenic bacteria, opportunistic bacteria, inflammation, blood, and more.
Adrenal Stress Index tests measure saliva for stress hormones, cortisol, and DHEA levels throughout the day.
Urine Toxic Metals is a urine test which tests for heavy metals that are toxic to our system.
Organic Acids test checks for abnormal concentrations of organic acids in the urine which can provide a functional marker for metabolic effects of micronutrient inadequacies, genetic polymorphisms, impaired enzyme function, toxic exposure, neuroendocrine activity, and intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
Additional tests may be run depending on the patient’s unique health picture.